Linda Mickens

# C12
Linda Mickens was born in Newark, New Jersey in 1954. She is a former student of Newark’s School of Fine and Industrial Arts, where she studied under Grigory Gurevich. Influenced by her family's deep southern roots, her early work is derived from the rich culture, sounds of blues, jazz and gospel, and the insufferable systemic racism against black people that she experienced while living in the south. Her work is always evolving, and comes from a place of deep understanding of the connection between pain, resilience, and beauty. She recently launched the God Bless Their Soles Collection, a sculpture series made from primarily recycled materials, which serves as a platform for her artist advocacy. She aims to honor the indestructible spirit and rich culture of black people with her angels. The collection is a reminder that angels are everywhere and the stranger sitting next to you could be hiding a magnificent pair of wings. Linda Mickens has a permanent collection of work at the River Road African-American museum in Donaldsonville, Louisiana.
  • Instagram: @godblesstheirsoles
  • Website: