
2022 Summer Artspace Program

Stretch your creative and critical thinking skills this summer at Artspace New Haven.

This summer, twenty New Haven teens will work with educators Kat Harrison, Ana Henriques, Sheldon Krevit, Laurel V. McLaughlin, and Gabriel Pacheco on five artistic courses ranging from 2D Drawing to 2D Mixed Media, 3D Sculpture, Digital Media, and Art History focusing on Portraiture and Self-Representation. Click here to learn more about the Summer Artspace Program and view previous student work.

DEADLINE EXTENDED! Submit by Monday, June 20 at 10:00 pm EDT


SELECTION PROCESS: Students must submit their interest form to be selected.  Selections are made by a committee of past and present SAP instructors and Artspace staff.  If you submit your form and don’t see the confirmation screen, please call us at (203) 772-2709 or email info@artspacenh.org.

COMMITMENT: By submitting this letter of interest for the program, you are committing to attend the Summer Artspace Program from Tuesday, July 5th through Friday, July 29th, 2022. Classes will be held Monday through Friday, 12:00–4:00 pm. Snacks and a meal will be provided each day. Our Orientation BBQ will take place Thursday, June 30th from 5–8 pm at Artspace New Haven with educators, students, and families.

STIPEND: At Artspace, we believe that an artist’s time and energy is a valuable resource. We thank you for your participation and daily attendance with a stipend of $250.

PLEASE NOTE: Your fellow artists need you to be there every day. You will forfeit your stipend if you miss any of the 15 meetings. You are allowed one excused absence for a medical or family emergency.

Your Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Mailing Address(Required)
Parent/Guardian Name(Required)
Recommender Name(Required)
We ask that you provide a name, phone number, and email address for someone outside of your family who knows you well, like a favorite teacher, principal, school counselor, team captain, or community leader. Please give us a call at (203) 772-2709 if you need assistance with selecting a recommender.
We encourage you to list and describe any classes, jobs, community organizing, personal experiences or extra-curricular activities that have shaped your perspectives.
Describe the ways your creativity has an impact on your life, your family, and/or your community.
It can be a Doodle, drawing, painting, sculpture, digital photo, digital media of any kind, in any material, in any style. You do not need to create a new piece for this, it can be any work from any time.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 512 MB, Max. files: 3.