February 11—April 15, 2023
Sahra Motalebi
Participating Artists: Mira Dayal, Dominique Duroseau, JJJJJerome Ellis, Nikita Gale, Gordon Hall, Amiko Li, Matt Keegan, Christine Sun Kim, Joseph Keckler, and Sahra Motalebi
[Voicings] wonders about the conditions, capacities, and powers of voices to utter sounds, words, and signs. Inspired by the numerous asides, coughs, stutters, glitched signs, and breaths from on-screen voicings and calling devices over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic—at a time when embodied voicings seemed rare if not impossible—this group exhibition with works by artists Mira Dayal, Dominique Duroseau, JJJJJerome Ellis, Nikita Gale, Christine Sun Kim, Amiko Li, Gordon Hall, Joseph Keckler, Matt Keegan, and Sahra Motalebi meditates on the pluralities and slippages of voices. Voicings tremble in ongoing collectivity amongst vibrating vocal cords and also hold vibration, or vibrato, with one another. They speak from the page in between brackets, live in the motion of fingers, the creaking positions of bodies, and the collective effort to shape language together.
[Voicings] is organized by Artspace New Haven Director of Curatorial Affairs Laurel V. McLaughlin with assistance provided by Visual Culture Producer Gabriel Sacco and Program Coordinator Steve Roberts. Lead funding for this exhibition is generously provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, CT Humanities, the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, and the Connecticut Office of the Arts.
For more information, visit the Artspace New Haven online calendar, sign up for our newsletter, and follow our Instagram @artspacenh for updates.
Image: Amiko Li, Passaggio (video still), 2022. Single-channel video installation with plexiglass, wooden shelf, c. 14:00 min. Courtesy of the artist. Directed and written by Amiko Li; Producer: Wenli Liu; Cinematographer: Junqian Xie; Editor: Anderson Matthew; Art Director: Mengda Zhang; Composer: Casey Mullen; Colorist: Emett Casey; Performer: Mingchi Sun