Project Room

Toy Boat

Curated by Sarah Fritchey

November 30, 2018—March 2, 2019

Catherine Vanaria, Salvaged #3, 2018. Archival inkjet print, 20″ × 16″.

Life on the sea has captivated the collective consciousness of land dwellers—we go there to seek freedom, respite, peace and thrill, to unplug, practice mindfulness and drift into memories of childhood.  Yet the water has always been a highly sought after and contested territory, a site of violence, failed experimentation, economic competition, and the unknown.  This exhibition pulls from the Artspace Flatfile to explore how artists address these dualities today, constituting a show full of trips, which play out like a deliberately difficult tongue twister.

Artists: Lexi Axon, Cynthia Back, Marion Belanger, Marc Burns, Jessica Cannon, Claudia Cron, Roxanne Faber Savage, Julian Gilbert-Davis, Nina Jordan, Sun Kwak, Elizabeth Livingston, Shanna Merola, Sam Messer, Jeff Slomba, Joseph Smolinski, Catherine Vanaria