Summer Apprenticeship Program 2008: HAWAII
August 14—September 20, 2008
Through a three-week residency, Master Artist William Downs shared his artmaking process and concepts with fifteen high school artist apprentices. They collected paper, old books, magazines, and typewriters, and experimented with collage, paint, ink, and various drawing tools. With these materials, the group assembled a combination of various kinds of images and texts through which they each strove to express a personal narrative. Together, seperate narratives weave into one unified and multifaceted investigation in communal storytelling through the form of a gallery installation. Featuring the 2008 Summer Apprentices: Annette Anderson, Kadeem Boothe, Chris Daniels, Simeon Durham, Max Duenkel, Tashuan Fair, Anessa Jackson, Terrencia Lee, James Manley, Marisol Muniz, Terell Palmer, Margie Roman, DaQuaya Scott, Louie Tafuto, and Geeta Talpade.