Curated by: Martha LewisFebruary 9—March 26, 2011
Cat Balco, Anna Broell Bresnick, Alexis Brown, Frances Cooke, The Futurists (Karen Dow and a team of 12 students from Educational Center for the Arts), Laura Gardner, Zachary Keeting, Ken Lovell (and his drawing robot!), Andres Madariaga, Melissa Marks, Maegen McElderry, Tim Nikiforuk, Kerry O’Grady, The Sausage Crew (Larissa Hall, Mike Pitassi, Michael Riley), Daniel Rios Rodriguez, James Rose, Jean Scott, Rashmi Talpade, Team Tele (Maria Lara-Whelpley, Sylvia Hierro, Laura Case, Eleanor Tamsky, and Susan Ferri), Traffic Lights & Warning Stripes (Vito Bonnano and Justin Crosby), and Laura Watt.
For seven weeks, 48 artists marked directly on the walls, floors and windows, to transform the landscape of Artspace with simple materials and their own ingenuity.
SCRAWL was a drawing exhibition inspired by the Surrealists’ exquisite corpse games. Each participating artist or team was assigned a portion of the Artspace galleries to make images which connect to the other participant’s. The artists and teams create their works without being able to see what those next to them are doing, ultimately collaborating on one giant collective work. The culmination of this exhibit unveiled March 25, with a closing reception we dubbed the Big Reveal.
The SCRAWL artists represented a spectrum of styles and conceptual approaches and ranged from established professionals known for their wall works to teams of students working as a collective for their drawing class.