Flat/Not Flat
Curated by: Jeff BergmanNovember 8, 2013—January 25, 2014
Jennifer Davies, Karen Dow, Alisa Dworsky and Martha Lewis.
Flat/Not Flat is an exhibition of works by artists Jennifer Davies, Karen Dow, Alisa Dworsky and Martha Lewis. The “Flat” portion of the exhibition draws from each artist’s entry in the Flatfile, Artspace’s permanent collection of works on paper that represent a diverse and affordable range of approaches in art making.
The “Not Flat” portion of the exhibition presents vibrant multi-dimensional works by these four artists that exist beyond the flat plane.
Jennifer Davies produces handmade paper constructions that recall nests, webs, hives and highly intricate natural phenomena. Karen Dow creates monoprints that employ cut paper forms and collage. Alisa Dworsky builds installation works with rope, ribbon, paper and wire and has constructed a site specific piece employing an open weaving technique. Martha Lewis combines schematic drawings and non-scientific systems to create unreal spaces, presenting a folded map that combines these elements and does so in a three dimensional form. Together, these artists explore their materials to produce works with and on paper that alter the viewers notions of flatness.
The “Flat” and “Not Flat” portions of the exhibition will be presented side by side providing a wider context for the work of Davies, Dow, Dworsky and Lewis, as well as a deeper understanding of their art making process.