Agit Crop
May 3—May 31, 2012
In the exhibition, Agit Crop, Artspace showcased 23 original works of art commissioned by the Hudson Valley Seed Library for their annual Art Pack collection. The seed packet artwork—from the powerful Cosmonaut Volkov Tomato to the stately and serene Early Summer Crookneck Squash—displayed a wide range of media and artistic styles (in the case of the aforementioned tomato and squash, think comic book art and landscape painting!) Each artist imaginatively and uniquely captured the essence of the Seed Library’s heirloom varieties.
Also on display were edible terrariums by Britton Rogers; “Garden Voices” a video and multi media documentary project by Amy Coplen; and “Cropoganda” works created by students at Common Ground High School. Common Ground, an environmental charter school and urban farm in New Haven, partnered with Artspace in the spring to produce original artwork that played with the notion of food branding. Agit Crop showcased this original fruit-and-vegetable-themed artwork, along with posters, packaging, and clothing based on students’ design.