Video Screening and Talk Back with Chloe Bass and Research Assistant Minh Vu
Free and open to all. This event will take place online using Zoom. Register here to participate.
Chloë Bass is a multiform conceptual artist working in performance, situation, conversation, publication, and installation. Her work uses daily life as a site of deep research to address scales of intimacy: where patterns hold and break as group sizes expand. She began her work with a focus on the individual (The Bureau of Self-Recognition, 2011 – 2013), has recently concluded a study of pairs (The Book of Everyday Instruction, 2015 – 2017), and will continue to scale up gradually until she’s working at the scale of the metropolis. She is currently working on Obligation To Others Holds Me in My Place (2018 – 2022), an investigation of intimacy at the scale of immediate families. She is a 2020 – 2022 Faculty Fellow for the Seminar in Public Engagement at the Center for Humanities (CUNY Graduate Center), a 2020 – 2022 Lucas Art Fellow at Montalvo Art Center, and was a 2019 Art Matters Grantee.
Minh Vu is a Ph.D. student in American Studies studying relational Afro-Asian literatures and histories at Yale. Their research focuses on 20th and 21st century African American and Asian American literatures with an emphasis on Afro-Asian intimacies and the troubling of solidarity as an aesthetic and political practice. Minh is a Fellow for the Yale Prison Education Initiative, and worked at the Schomburg Center for Research and Black Culture to research the relationship between Yuri Kochiyama and Malcolm X.