Paul Bryant Hudson: Music and the Movement
Artist Paul Bryant Hudson will perform the music that inspired his work for Revolution on Trial, currently on view until October 17. The short LIVE performance will conclude with a conversation with Niyonu Spann. Due to rain, this event will take place digitally over Zoom.
About the Participants
When considering the New Haven Black Panthers, Paul Bryant Hudson’s mind shifted to sonic landscapes. As a longtime New Haven resident, musician, and composer, his accounting of the May Day 1970 protests concentrates on dimensions of sound. His family felt the power of the moment. However, Hudson realized his family’s recollection of that time is one and his another. As he explored this history, he charted his own journey and connections across time and music. His Soundtrack, a collaborative project featuring recordings of speeches overlaid over music, broadcasts the demonstrators’ feelings of community, optimism, and love.
Though known to most folks in New Haven through her work with CEIO (Co-Creating Effective and Inclusive Organizations) and its Deeper Change Forums, Niyonu Spann was first a musician! Later this month she launches her new production company, NUYONI ~ Creations to awaken soul rememberance @nuyoni88. The first NUYONI production will be Niyonu’s solo album, Spirit Fuel. Niyonu is excited that Paul’s amazing voice will be featured on Spirit Fuel, the beginning of what she hopes will be lifelong collaborations! She is also greatly honored to have this opportunity to guide the exploration of Paul’s amazing artistry and activism as a part of this Artspace event!