Thank you for your support.

$25.00 for each month
$50.00 for each month
$100.00 for each month
$250.00 for each month
$0.00 for each month



In-Kind Giving

In-Kind Giving

In-kind support covers nearly half of our organizational budget. Want to contribute at the institutional level? Great! We accept donations from corporate supporters and granting organizations. Please contact to learn more.

Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Become a Legacy Partner

The founding Legacy Partners include current and past board members and other friends of Artspace who care about the long term fiscal health of the organization and who have named Artspace as a beneficiary of their estate.

We invite you to join this dedicated group of supporters by arranging for Artspace to benefit from your:

  • Will or Trust
  • IRA or other retirement plan
  • Life insurance policy
  • Planned gift (charitable remainder trust, charitable lead trust, donor advised fund)
  • Gift of appreciated securities or art (to be sold according to independent appraisal and IRS regulations)

Please note, naming Artspace in your will costs you nothing during your lifetime. Furthermore, information regarding the amount, nature or designation of the bequest or gift is not required.

If interested, please email, with the subject line LEGACY PARTNER. We will ensure that your gift funds the program(s) that interest you most and meet the organization’s needs. While your will should be prepared by your attorney in consultation with your legal and financial advisors, we are available to discuss all gift opportunities with you. Thank you!