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Announcing our City-Wide Open Studios Commissions and Special Projects

This year’s City-Wide Open Studios festival explores the theme Older, But Younger, featuring 13 commissioned projects that mobilize intergenerational collaborations between artists who seek to explore a range of topics related to the questions longevity, renewal, where memory resides, and how it might be passed from one person to the next. Many of these artists live in the same city, but are connecting for the first time through these collaborations. Together, these projects offer strategies for celebrating life and extending our health-span, pollinating ideas across generational divides, and strengthening our ties to the planet, passed ancestors, future progeny and the unknown.

  • Creativity is the Key
  • Memory Edit: I will never forget
  • The Body is an Archive
  • Strange Fruit
  • The War Experience Project
  • Land Acknowledgement
  • Generations of Rhythm
  • Ages of Life: Inhabiting the Fossil Record
  • Searching for the Fountain of Youth: A Feminine Perspective
  • Vagina Chorus
  • The Million-Petaled Flower of Being here
  • Older But Younger Pecha Kucha
  • Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

Artspace is very grateful to its Community Review Panel who joined the staff to read and rank proposals responding to the Older, But Younger open call: Prof. Marian Evans, SCSU Public Health, Rev. Kevin Ewing, Gail MacAvay, PhD, Yale Center on Aging, Elinor Slomba, and Dr. Christine Unson, SCSU Public Health. Older But Younger is made possible by support from the National Endowment for the Arts, CT Office of the Arts, New Alliance Foundation, The Eder Family Foundation, Yale University, South Central CT Agency on Aging, International Association of New Haven, and Friends of Artspace. 

Click here to learn about each of these 13 featured commissioned projects.